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Dr Monica


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I'm a Switzerland based Scientist (Chemist) working on synthesis, crystal growth and characterisation of various materials with interesting properties. My research is placed at the interface between Materials Science, Solid State Chemistry and Condensed Matter Physics.

Key points

  • Extensive expertise in synthesis, crystal growth and characterisation techniques.

  • 61 publications and 1175 citations.

  • Over 35 contributed presentations (talks and posters) at conferences.

  • Coordinator of the public engagement and outreach project "It's a matter of crystals".

Research Interests

  •  Synthesis, crystal growth and characterisation of polycrystalline and single crystalline samples of various compounds (oxides, borides, chalcogenides, oxichalcogenide and intermetallics).

  • Study of materials that exhibit interesting structural and physical properties. These materials belong to the following areas of research:

    • Exotic states of matter (e.g. skyrmionic materials, topological insulators, superconductors, etc).

    • Frustrated magnetism (e.g. pyrochlores, garnets, Shastry-Sutherland lattices, etc).

    • Multiferroic, ferroelectric and magnetoelectric materials (e.g. ferrites, manganites, etc).

    • 2D and other van der Waals materials (e.g. semiconductors, superconductors, etc).

    • Polymorphism, structural phase transitions, structural disorder and their effect on the physical properties of the material.

Selected Publications

Public Engagement

I want to show the general audience what materials research is (from the synthesis, crystal growth and characterisation of materials to the development of devices), with the aim of highlighting the importance of this research area for our daily life. To this extent, I developed a public engagement and outreach programme, entitled "It's a matter of crystals".




Laboratory for Multiscale materials eXperiments,

Research with Neutrons and Muons Division,

Paul Scherrer Institute,

Paul Scherrer Institute


Forschungsstrasse 111

5232 Villigen PSI


Materials Discovery Laboratory,

Department of Materials,

ETH Zurich,


ETH Zurich

HCI/ F 539

Vladimir-​Prelog-Weg 1-5/10

8093 Zurich


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